Tuesday, November 10, 2009

We Moved!

NILO's Blog has moved to http://niloproductions.wordpress.com/
I hope you will make the move with us!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

NILO's Anniversary!

Let's blog!

November 4, 2009 marks the 3rd anniversary for NILO...Not the business but the couple. If you didn't already figure it out NILO comes from Nic & Lori. Three years ago Lori and I both said our "I do's." We, like so many of you, had been planning our wedding day and dealing with all the responsibilities that come along with it...I say we, but I did all of the work. Just kidding! Lori planned it all and she was fantastic!

The evening of the 4th was a perfect fall setting in Northwest Arkansas. I was anxious and very aware of the huge commitment in which I was about to enter. I prayed a lot that day asking God to help me be a worthy husband for Lori. I remember when those old wooden doors, at St. Catharine's at Belle Gables, opened revealing the love of my life. She was absolutely stunning! Her dad was nervous and fighting back tears as was I. She filled the room with her glowing beauty as she walked down that short aisle. I stumbled my way through the vows and received the best kiss ever...I married my best friend in front of God, our family, and friends.

Three years later, Lori is a shinning example of the perfect wife. Thank you sweet cheeks for saying "I do!!!"


Monday, November 2, 2009

Ashleigh & Charley

Let's Blog!

Lori and I have been staying extremely busy with weddings, school, family stuff, and Halloween!
We dressed up all in blue (shirts, pants, and beanie hats) and sported name tags saying Gene and Jean...We were a pair of "blue jeans!" Lor googled "cheap at-home Halloween costumes" and that is what we came up with. I would post a picture of us but I'm too embarrassed!

Instead, I have posted a clip from Ashleigh and Charley's wedding video that I just finished editing. It is the open sequence to their reception. They were a great couple and had a fabulous wedding day.

I hope you enjoy it!


Ashleigh & Charley Reception Open from Nic Howard on Vimeo.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Very Nice!

Lets blog!

Well we made it! This past weekend was extremely busy for NILO! We shot a rehearsal dinner on Friday, a beautiful wedding on Saturday, then worked our booth at the very successful AR Gazette NWA Bridal Show. Lori and I are extremely thankful to be so busy. If I was a photographer I would have pictures of the event posted below, but I'm not so instead I have a link to benfieldphotography's blog where they have some pictures of the event.

I would also like to share with you an extremely sweet comment from one of our brides via the Facebook.

Sara Wistrom

If anyone in the Fort Smith/NWA area is getting married and needs a videographer, Nic Howard at NILO Productions does an absolutely AWESOME job!! I just got back my wedding video and it was BETTER than I ever expected. Thank you Nic for sharing in my day and producing a wonderful "movie of memories" for us!!!

That made my morning!!!
If you are on Facebook, friend me! My profile name is Nic Howard, and if you are the twitter- follow me at NICwithNILO. I love me some twitter!


Sunday, September 13, 2009

Let's blog!

I'm going to keep this short. I just wanted to show you all a new video that we produced. Below is the open for the "Van Buren High School Project Graduation 2009" video.

Also, don't forget to come by our booth at the Arkansas Democrat Gazette's Bridal Show on Sunday, September 27th!

Enjoy the video!

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Amber & Bogue

Let's blog!

Well, I just finished mailing off another NILO video. I don't like to toot my own horn or anything, but I must say this last production was a goodie! It makes it easy when we have a great couple to video.

Amber and Bogue are such a wonderfully unique and cute couple. Lori and I truly enjoyed working with them. Amber's artistic style inspired me to try some different things during the editing process.

Below is a clip from their video. I have always wanted to use an old French song in one of my videos, but never found the appropriate chance. Amber and Bogue made the perfect opportunity to fulfill my French editing aspirations :)

I love old French music!

Check it out.


Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Great Summer!

Let's blog!

I'm not sure why, but I feel the need to say that at the beginning of all my blogs.

Wow, what a summer! Lori and I have been extremely blessed to have such a wonderful business. We truly enjoy filming weddings!

What have we been doing you ask??? Great question! We have filmed everything from a quaint Sunday wedding to a huge Razorback extravaganza, and a small private Christian school prom to "Grease The Musical" a live performance play! This summer has been wild!
Needless to say, I have a lot of editing to do!!!

Speaking of editing...Currently I edit on a PC with Avid Express Pro and a Mojo. The machine is old but a trooper to say the least. I believe Avid to be one of the best video editing software systems on the market, but...I do believe I have made up my mind to switch to Final Cut Pro. For those outside the video editing world, switching systems is a huge deal! I'm excited for the new capabilities and challenges.
Pray for me!


Monday, June 8, 2009

Lets blog!
Time has flown by...I cannot believe it is June!!! I want to start by congratulating Kathy and Jeff on their one year anniversary. Kathy and Jeff had a wonderful wedding on 6-7-08 in Fort Smith.

I have been trucking along editing my little heart out. I finally delivered my sweet sister's video to her, just over two years after their wedding date. I'm sorry it took so long, but being that she is my older sister and whom tortured me in our swimming pool when we were kids, I figured I could get a little break. I love you Candace!

Speaking of delivering videos...I just finished up Mary Beth and Jon Williams video and delivered it last week. It was a great video due to a great couple. I wanted to share an email I received yesterday from the mother-of-the-bride. It read:

"Oh my goodness....I have watched the video over and over an it just gets better each time! Of
course, I had to have a box of Kleenex by my side. Steve and I also enjoyed the raw footage to
see a few other shots and to hear what was being said. I was so happy to have you do this
work for us, but of course I was hesitant about the cost...considering how everything was
running way over the budget. However, I know we now have something to treasure for our
lifetime and for her children to watch some day and see what a glorious bride she was. Your
work is such high quality that it is worth every penny! I can never thank you enough for being
so professional, so caring, and so gifted."

Isn't that great! Thank you so much Dianne for your perfect email! Lori and I truly appreciated it from the bottom of our hearts!!!
That email describes why we are in this business!

I hope all is well out there in the blog world. I'm sorry for not keeping up with this. To make good I have posted some pictures of past clients and a portion of a video I produced earlier this Spring.

Kylie and Brett Pre-Wedding

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

How Long?

Lets blog!

How long does it take to produce a wedding video?
Great question! The filming process is the quick part. Filming one's most special day is very rewarding. Easy? No way! It is very stressful and sometimes physically painful.

The editing portion of producing a wedding video is the long part. I try to make each and every video just as unique and special as the last. Some producers have a set routine that makes every video look the same. They care more about getting it done and moving on to the next project. I think of it as a "factory type video." Put it on the assembly line, slap it together, and move on.
This type of editing goes against everything I stand for.

Sometimes I wish I had the "factory type video" mentality. I would definitely have less stress. But there is no way! I guess it is O.C.D. or something, but I can't stand to make something that I can't be proud of. So with that said...It takes a long time for me to edit a video. At least six months. My poor sister has been waiting almost two years, and my sweet wife is going on three.
I'm working on my sister's now!

In my opinion, I would rather take my time and make something that is entertaining, emotional, and fun to watch over and over again, than something that I would get bored with watching halfway through.
So, for those whom are waiting on their video...Keep up the patience! It will be worth the wait.


Thursday, January 22, 2009

Music Please!

Lets blog! Do you know what blog means? Well, just in case you didn't...It means web-log. That is fascinating.

I see now that I have a few followers of this blog, so I feel that I must type something worthy. Unfortunately, I have the brain power of a third grader. All I can think about is food, poop, my wife, and work stuff. Something that I do on occasion think about is music. I'm not into music as much as I used to be. Music serves a different purpose for me now. I am always on the look for new cool wedding music. I take great pride in the music that I find for my productions. It is very difficult. If anybody out there has any good music suggestions...I would love to hear them.

Lately, I have been randomly bursting out into, "Some people call me a space cowboy." Then, I pretty much leave it at that. I haven't tried that in a public setting, but don't doubt that I won't. I'm sure Lori will love it.

What kind of music am I looking for? What a great question! I like "airy"/ "bigger than life" music. I know those are horrible discriptions, but that is all I can think about when I listen for good wedding music. Now, I'm not talking about wedding music to use in an actual wedding. I'm talking about music for the video. Mood setting music!
Help me out! Please post a comment with any music suggestions.


Sunday, January 18, 2009

Good Show!

Well the 2009 NWA Bridal Fair has come and gone. I would like to say thank you to all who stopped by our booth. Lori and I enjoyed meeting you all. I would also like to say thanks to Julie at Jules Design for providing us with her wonderful trees and flowers. The trees were a hit!

I would also like to thank all of our vendor friends whom referred brides our way. Lori and I truly appreciate our relationships with each and every one of you! In this business, it is extremely hard to accomplish anything without friends and referrals. THANK YOU again!
I have updated our demo section on our website, so please be sure to check that out.

Also, below is a link to our youtube video of when I proposed to Lori. It's pretty corny, but it will definitely make you smile.


Thursday, January 8, 2009

Lets blog! I'm new at this, but don't worry...I have a lot to say and a lot to misspell along the way.

NILO is going strong right now. Editing is taking longer than expected. The challenge is creating an emotional and entertaining video from a series of life events. Some are more challenging than others, but I enjoy the challenge.

Come check out our booth at the 2009 Bridal Fair in Springdale, AR on Saturday, January 17th!
Last year was a great sucess, and we are praying that this year will be even better.

As I was typing that last paragraph, I was also eating a "chewy breakfast oat bar" that I found. It was mighty tasty! Cinnamon caramel pecan from Archer Farms. Very tasty...I wish I had another.
