Wednesday, February 4, 2009

How Long?

Lets blog!

How long does it take to produce a wedding video?
Great question! The filming process is the quick part. Filming one's most special day is very rewarding. Easy? No way! It is very stressful and sometimes physically painful.

The editing portion of producing a wedding video is the long part. I try to make each and every video just as unique and special as the last. Some producers have a set routine that makes every video look the same. They care more about getting it done and moving on to the next project. I think of it as a "factory type video." Put it on the assembly line, slap it together, and move on.
This type of editing goes against everything I stand for.

Sometimes I wish I had the "factory type video" mentality. I would definitely have less stress. But there is no way! I guess it is O.C.D. or something, but I can't stand to make something that I can't be proud of. So with that said...It takes a long time for me to edit a video. At least six months. My poor sister has been waiting almost two years, and my sweet wife is going on three.
I'm working on my sister's now!

In my opinion, I would rather take my time and make something that is entertaining, emotional, and fun to watch over and over again, than something that I would get bored with watching halfway through.
So, for those whom are waiting on their video...Keep up the patience! It will be worth the wait.
