Monday, June 8, 2009

Lets blog!
Time has flown by...I cannot believe it is June!!! I want to start by congratulating Kathy and Jeff on their one year anniversary. Kathy and Jeff had a wonderful wedding on 6-7-08 in Fort Smith.

I have been trucking along editing my little heart out. I finally delivered my sweet sister's video to her, just over two years after their wedding date. I'm sorry it took so long, but being that she is my older sister and whom tortured me in our swimming pool when we were kids, I figured I could get a little break. I love you Candace!

Speaking of delivering videos...I just finished up Mary Beth and Jon Williams video and delivered it last week. It was a great video due to a great couple. I wanted to share an email I received yesterday from the mother-of-the-bride. It read:

"Oh my goodness....I have watched the video over and over an it just gets better each time! Of
course, I had to have a box of Kleenex by my side. Steve and I also enjoyed the raw footage to
see a few other shots and to hear what was being said. I was so happy to have you do this
work for us, but of course I was hesitant about the cost...considering how everything was
running way over the budget. However, I know we now have something to treasure for our
lifetime and for her children to watch some day and see what a glorious bride she was. Your
work is such high quality that it is worth every penny! I can never thank you enough for being
so professional, so caring, and so gifted."

Isn't that great! Thank you so much Dianne for your perfect email! Lori and I truly appreciated it from the bottom of our hearts!!!
That email describes why we are in this business!

I hope all is well out there in the blog world. I'm sorry for not keeping up with this. To make good I have posted some pictures of past clients and a portion of a video I produced earlier this Spring.

Kylie and Brett Pre-Wedding