Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Great Summer!

Let's blog!

I'm not sure why, but I feel the need to say that at the beginning of all my blogs.

Wow, what a summer! Lori and I have been extremely blessed to have such a wonderful business. We truly enjoy filming weddings!

What have we been doing you ask??? Great question! We have filmed everything from a quaint Sunday wedding to a huge Razorback extravaganza, and a small private Christian school prom to "Grease The Musical" a live performance play! This summer has been wild!
Needless to say, I have a lot of editing to do!!!

Speaking of editing...Currently I edit on a PC with Avid Express Pro and a Mojo. The machine is old but a trooper to say the least. I believe Avid to be one of the best video editing software systems on the market, but...I do believe I have made up my mind to switch to Final Cut Pro. For those outside the video editing world, switching systems is a huge deal! I'm excited for the new capabilities and challenges.
Pray for me!


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